Oct 30, 20201 min read
Master's Dissertation Approval - Isabella Velloso Arrigo
We would like to collectively congratulate our friend, and now MSc Isabella Velloso Arrigo for the successful defense of her...

Oct 29, 20201 min read
Master's Dissertation defense - Isabella Velloso Arrigo
We are proud to announce that our colleague and friend Isabella Velloso Arrigo will defend her Master's Dissertation tomorrow, October...

Jul 24, 20201 min read
New publication on NeuroImage!
We are pleased to announce that the paper titled "Network-based fMRI-neurofeedback training of sustained attention" has been accepted for...

Oct 30, 20191 min read
Approval on Qualification Exam - Pedro H. R. da Silva
Collectively, we congratulate Pedro on the approval of his Qualification Examination! We also thank Professors Oswaldo Baffa, Otávio...

Mar 19, 20182 min read
InBrain new publication - Brain Topography
InBrain alumni Danilo Maziero (PhD - University of Hawai'i) and collaborators, including professor Carlos E. G. Salmon, published a new...