Master's Dissertation Approval - Isabella Velloso Arrigo
We would like to collectively congratulate our friend, and now MSc Isabella Velloso Arrigo for the successful defense of her...
Oct 30, 20201 min read

8º Simpósio de Instrumentação e Imagens Médicas e 7º Simpósio de Processamento de Sinais
The 8th Simpósio de Instrumentação e Imagens Médicas (SIIM) and the 7th Simpósio de Processamento de Sinais (SPS) is happening at ...
Nov 30, 20171 min read

Educational course - Image processing
Tomorrow, October 26th, the "Educational course 1 - Image processing" will be taught in Room 26-B4, at 2:00pm., part of the schedule of...
Oct 25, 20171 min read