About the workshop
The InBrain Workshop: Advanced Brain Imaging will be held in Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil, from February 13th to 15th, 2020.
The workshop aims to gather researchers, students (both at graduate and undergraduate levels) and clinical professionals working in quantitative magnetic resonance imaging in the brain, with interest in methods development and its clinical applications. The main goal of the event is to update the state of art in the related topics, facilitate the communication and collaboration of researchers and enhance the research level in the Brazilian scientific community.
The Workshop is an initiative of the InBrain Lab, which is a research group in the Department of Physics of the University of São Paulo in Ribeirão Preto. The InBrain Lab is mostly composed by Physicists and Medical Physicists in close collaboration with the Clinical Hospital of Ribeirão Preto. The InBrain Workshop is also endorsed by the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), and will feature prominent speakers.
Confirmed speakers
Afonso Henriques da Costa e Silva
University of Pittsburgh Brain Institute
Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Afonso Henriques da Costa e Silva
University of Pittsburgh Brain Institute
Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Spatial Resolution: A Game-Changer in Understanding the Anatomical and Functional Organization of the Primate Brain
Ona Wu
Harvard Medical School, MGH Athinoula A Martinos Center
Boston, MA, USA

Ona Wu
Harvard Medical School, MGH Athinoula A Martinos Center
Boston, MA, USA

Multimodal prediction of tissue outcome in stroke patients
Matthias van Osch
C.J. Gorter Center
Leiden University Medical Center
Leiden, The Netherlands

Matthias van Osch
C.J. Gorter Center
Leiden University Medical Center
Leiden, The Netherlands

Advanced Arterial Spin Labeling: techniques and applications
Ultra-high field MRI (7 Tesla) for advanced neuro-imaging
Octavio Marques Pontes Neto
FMRP, University of São Paulo
Ribeirão Preto, Brazil

Octavio Marques Pontes Neto
FMRP, University of São Paulo
Ribeirão Preto, Brazil

Neuroimaging in Acute Cerebrovascular Disease
Adriana Bastos Conforto
FM, University of São Paulo
Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein
São Paulo, Brazil

Adriana Bastos Conforto
FM, University of São Paulo
Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein
São Paulo, Brazil

Neuromodulation in cerebrovascular diseases
Ellison Fernando
Clinical Hospital - Medical School - University of São Paulo
São Paulo, Brazil

Clinical Hospital - Medical School - University of São Paulo
São Paulo, Brazil
Clinical Applications of Diffusion Weighted Images I
Gabriela Castellano
Institute of Physics Gleb Wataghin, UNICAMP - Campinas, Brazil

Gabriela Castellano
Institute of Physics Gleb Wataghin, UNICAMP - Campinas, Brazil

Brain signal analysis applied to BCIs, neurofeedback training and VR rehabilitation
Carlos Ernesto
Garrido Salmon
InBrain Lab, University of Sao Paulo - Ribeirao Preto, Brazil

Carlos Ernesto
Garrido Salmon
InBrain Lab, University of Sao Paulo - Ribeirao Preto, Brazil

In vivo metal quantification using MRI
Antonio Carlos
dos Santos
FMRP, University of São Paulo
Ribeirão Preto, Brazil

Antonio Carlos
dos Santos
FMRP, University of São Paulo
Ribeirão Preto, Brazil

Clinical Applications of Diffusion Weighted Images II
J-Donald Tournier
King's College London -
London, England

J-Donald Tournier
King's College London -
London, England

Multi-shell diffusion MRI and its applications in the neonatal brain.
Taiza Santos
FMRP, University of São Paulo
Ribeirão Preto, Brazil

Taiza Santos
FMRP, University of São Paulo
Ribeirão Preto, Brazil

Neuroimaging evidence for a vertical perception network.
Gregory Albers
Stanford University
Stanford, CA, USA

Gregory Albers
Stanford University
Stanford, CA, USA

The role of perfusion weighted neuroimaging in acute ischemic stroke.
José Eduardo
Peixoto Santos
Federal University of Sao Paulo
São Paulo, Brazil

José Eduardo
Peixoto Santos
Federal University of Sao Paulo
São Paulo, Brazil

Pathological correlates of the MRI changes in drug-resistant epilepsies
Renata Leoni
InBrain lab, University of Sao Paulo Ribeirão Preto, Brazil

Renata Leoni
InBrain lab, University of Sao Paulo Ribeirão Preto, Brazil

Brain Imaging in Ribeirao Preto Quantitative Techniques
André Paschoal
InBrain lab, University of Sao Paulo Ribeirão Preto, Brazil

André Paschoal
InBrain lab, University of Sao Paulo Ribeirão Preto, Brazil

Intravoxel Incoherent Motion in neurological diseases
Abstract Submission
The organizing committee of the InBrain Workshop 2020 - Advanced Brain Imaging invites abstract submissions for poster and oral presentation at the workshop. Submissions must contain new, previously unpublished material. All abstracts must be submitted electronically via the InBrain Workshop Website.
Abstract Format
We recommend including the following sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions and References. A template is available in InBrain Workshop website. 350 words for the body of the abstract (references not included), up to 2 figures (100 words per figure captions) and up to 10 references. References must be cited in numerical order using superscript Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3…):
A review was performed previously.1
A review was performed previously 1,2
A review was performed previously 1-4,8
At the end of the abstract, list references numerically in the order in which they were cited in the text:
Smith S, Spears D, Tokarz D, et al. Sensitive case analysis. Normal Neurol. 2024;61(7):10‐11.
World Health Organization. Injury: A Leading Cause of the Global Burden of Disease, 2000. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization; 2002.
Williams W. The red tree. American Post. February 24, 2020:A1. http://www.americanpost.com. Accessed October 14, 2019.
Abstract Content Guidelines
Abstract content must not promote proprietary/commercial interests.
Scientific research must conform to generally accepted standards of experimental design, data collection and analysis.
Duplicate material is not allowed.
Previously submitted and rejected abstracts to another may be resubmitted.
Abstract Review Criteria
The following criteria will be considered during abstract review:
Innovation: advancement of knowledge, and/or improvement of capabilities.
Quality: The results should be substantive and not just implied.
Impact: The method or data in the abstract should aim to advance or change the field in significant ways.
Bias: Evident bias in favor of a particular product or company is grounds for rejection.
Duplication of content is grounds for rejection of all submitted abstracts.
Tips for authors
Contact all co-authors prior to submission.
Commitment to Present.
Submit your abstract as soon as possible to avoid submission system overload.
Workshop Registration
To register for the workshop, please fill the form below. After submitting the form, you will receive an e-mail with instructions for the payment and to send the proof of academic degree (for undergraduate and graduate students).
Price for InBrain Workshop only
Price for MRtrix3 Workshop only
Price for InBrain + MRtrix3 Workshop combo
Department of Physics
FFCLRP - University of Sao Paulo
Building B4 - Room 11
Bandeirantes Avenue, 3900
Ribeirão Preto, SP
E-mail: inbrain@usp.br
Tel: +55 16 3315-3721

We are very proud to announce the 3rd MRtrix 3 Workshop and the first edition away from Europe. It will be a pre-course of the InBrain Workshop and will consist of a 4½ day hands-on workshop that will cover the theory and practice of diffusion analysis, covering the range of techniques available within MRtrix3.
Fees and Dates updated in Important Dates and Registration! Click HERE for details of MRtrix3 Workshop!
Guest Room in USP Campus
Phone: +55 16 3602-3548 or +55 16 3602-3623
Pousada Santa Rita
Café Avenue, 2295
Phone: +55 3966-5404
Zip code: 14.050-230 - Ribeirão Preto - SP
Ibis Hotel Ribeirão Preto
Braz Olaia Acosta Avenue, 691
Ribeirão Shopping Area
Zip code: 14026040 - Ribeirão Preto - SP
Phone: +55 16 21012950

organizing committee
Carlos Ernesto Garrido Salmon (FFLCRP, USP)
Renata Ferranti Leoni (FFLCRP, USP)
Octavio Marques Pontes Neto (FMRP, USP)
Antonio Carlos dos Santos (FMRP, USP)
André Monteiro Paschoal (FFLCRP, USP)
Bruno Hebling Vieira (FFCLRP, USP)
Pedro Henrique Rodrigues da Silva (FFLCRP, USP)
Kaio Felippe Secchinato (FFLCRP, USP)
Isabella Velloso Arrigo (FFLCRP, USP)
Fábio Seiji Otsuka (FFLCRP, USP)
Hohana Gabriela Konell (FFCLRP, USP)
Julia Palaretti (FFLCRP, USP)
Stéphanie Andrade Silva (FFCLRP, USP)
Erick Almeida (FFCLRP, USP)
Lucas Murilo da Costa (FFCLRP, USP)